Covit 19 shopping

Hi I wanted share some ideas on what to buy at the supermarket at this time, we don’t want to go crazy and leave nothing for others and we also want to shop local to support small business.

I went to the supermarket the other day and saw people buying up and unfortunately it left some empty shelves for others. I decided to not over buy but shop wise so I bought bacon hocks. chicken, bacon bones. a pumpkin and some soup mixes, I figure if we have ingredients that make soups they go along way….you can freeze portions and they are nutritious and healing if we were to get sick.

Shopping local is another good idea not only does this help support our local small business they may have stock where the supermarkets are out. We live near honesty boxes and vegie markets and don’t forget butchers.

I think a little cash in the house could be wise too.

I hope everyone stays well and healthy…. I will post some recipes and also how to make hand sanitisers and homemade cleaning products at this time when stocks are low, bare in mind I’m very new to blogging so will learn as I go.